Town Board Meetings 4th Thursday at 6pm

At the July 17, 2024 Special  Board Meeting the Town Board approved BP Excavation LLC the West Frankfort Water District Bid Award, The Town is now able to move forward with the West Frankfort water project.





Miscellaneous Facts

Road Mileage:

State 14.2 miles
County 43.2 miles
Town 38.6 miles
Village 13.21 miles

The highest elevation in our township is 1320 feet.

Winter maintenance of the Frankfort Highway Department a six month period November 1st to April 30th.

We plow and sand 87 miles of road in our township.

We have seven plow routes

It takes 4 to 5 hours to complete one cycle of plowing and sanding to maintain every road.

We have 59 dead ends or cul-de-sacs.

If we combine the total mileage of all vehicles driven to complete one plowing and sanding cycle, the total accumulation of miles would be approximately 350 miles.

In a 24 hour period of severe inclement weather, we have consumed:

1200 - 1500 gals of fuel

150 - 175 tons of salt

500- 600 yds of salt/sand mix

We average 5000 - 7000 yds of sand per winter season

We average 1200 - 1500 yds of salt per winter season

We also use calcium chloride - temperature pending

We average 16000 - 18000 gals of diesel fuel per season

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Real Property of Herkimer County maintains our tax roll.

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Town of Frankfort Highway Department

Herkimer County Co. Hazard Mitigation Plan

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