Town Board Meetings 4th Thursday at 6pm

At the July 17, 2024 Special  Board Meeting the Town Board approved BP Excavation LLC the West Frankfort Water District Bid Award, The Town is now able to move forward with the West Frankfort water project.





Speed Limit

The Town of Frankfort has no authority to regulate speed limits.

Authority To Set Speed Limits

New York State Department of transportaion has the authority to set speed limits on county roads and in towns having populations of 50,000 people or less. To change speed limits on those roads, the town board and the county superintendent of highways must file a joint request with the regional office of the New York State Department of Transportation to conduct a speed limit study.

If no ordinance, official order or regualtions has set a lower speed limit, the 55 MPH statewide speed limit applies.

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Real Property of Herkimer County maintains our tax roll.

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Town of Frankfort Highway Department

Herkimer County Co. Hazard Mitigation Plan

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